Once you have paid your rent or mortgage and your bills, as well as bought your groceries, you may still have some extra money left over, and it can be difficult to know what to do with the extra money that you have. Then, here are some of the best ways to use your extra money instead of wasting it.

Donate to Charity

Rather than keeping all your money to yourself, especially if you have more than you need, you should consider donating a portion of it to charity. However, this charity should not be any old charity, and you should consider looking for a non-profit organization whose mission is one that you respect and want to succeed. You should make sure that you research this charity in-depth before donating to ensure that you fully understand their perspective and beliefs. For instance, if you want to donate to veterans, you might consider doing so through the Red Cross, as this will enable you to help ex-military personnel who might be in difficult situations now. This will allow you to make sure that your money is being used for good.

Invest It

Another way to use your extra money to benefit you in the future is to invest it. Investing your extra money will help it to grow and will ensure that you can set yourself up well for the future and retirement. Then, you should consider looking for the safest investment options, such as real estate or high-yield savings accounts. You might also look at riskier options, such as stocks and shares if you have an in-depth knowledge of them or have been able to conduct a lot of research into how to manage these investments well. This will then ensure that your spare money does not simply stagnate in your current account for a long time.

Buy Something for Yourself

Although you might not want to waste all your money on needless objects, sometimes, treating yourself can boost your mental health and improve your quality of life. For instance, there might be a book that you want to read or a piece of clothing that you know will make you feel good. You might also think about spending your money on luxurious toiletries, a new streaming service, or if you have everything that you could want or need, even a gift for someone that you love.