Whether you are brand new to your industry or a veteran worker, there are lots of reasons why you might be looking for a way to give your career a boost. Here are some of the most effective methods to try.

Come up with a plan of action

The first step is to grab a blank piece of paper or open up a new Word document and start putting ttogether a clear and actionable plan for your career. That involves thinking about the big dreams you have for the future, and also your more immediate aspirations. Jot down some ideas about where you’d like to be in one, three, five, and ten years, then brainstorm what you’ll need to do in order to get there. This will help you to find some purpose, passion, and direction.

Study for an official qualification

It never hurts to get more qualifications, so this is always an option worth considering. It might be that your ideal job requires you to have a specific qualification, or perhaps boosting your education will serve to make your CV stand out from the crowd. Either way, it takes your knowledge to the next level and demonstrates to employers, clients, and investors that you’re serious about your professional development.

Work with a coach

Sometimes you need an expert outside perspective to help you take your career further, and working with an executive coach is perfect for this. They can help you to become more confident, focused, and productive, as well as improve your business performance. Coaches can offer advice on everything from growing your start-up to getting a promotion, so regardless of your situation they’re sure to be able to provide you with valuable assistance.

Transform your mindset

There are times when we stand in the way of our own success. Perhaps you doubt that you can achieve the aspirations you yearn for; maybe you spend all your time on social media instead of reading industry news; or it might be that you’re procrastinating instead of learning a second language so you can apply for jobs abroad. Whatever your personal vice is, you need to identify and then tackle it in order to accomplish everything you want to in your professional life.

Put yourself out there

In many cases, career advancements and new opportunities won’t simply come to you – you need to proactively search them out. That means being brave and putting yourself out there. Set yourself a challenge to attend a certain number of relevant events each month and talk to two new people at each one. Expanding your professional network gives you a better chance of finding out about developments, news, job prospects, and other key pieces of information.

Improve your transferable skills

In addition to updating your industry-specific knowledge and skills (e.g. marketing or engineering), it’s important to work on your so-called soft skills, too. To get you started, take a look at the following list and choose three relevant talents to focus on:

  • Written communication
  • Presentation
  • Problem-solving
  • Decision-making
  • Critical thinking
  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Networking
  • Conflict resolution
  • Negotiation
  • Adaptability