Have you ever found yourself waking up during the night and unable to go back to sleep? If you have, it’s likely that you’re not sleeping in complete darkness. Night lights, street lights, and computer screens all contribute to the light pollution that’s contributing to sleeplessness in our society today. The Quranic Night Light has been designed by Muslims as an alternative to regular night lights that promotes good health and lets you rest easy knowing that your light source does not come from either harmful mercury or incandescent bulbs! For buy, please click here https://laveilleuse.org/

How are you sleeping? 

A good night’s sleep is essential to our health and well-being. Sleeping well not only helps us recover from our daily stresses, but it also boosts productivity and makes us more alert throughout the day. In fact, sleeping better can actually help you live longer by preventing heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. (1) (2) (3) So how can you get better sleep? For starters, make sure your bedroom is properly set up for optimal comfort and rejuvenation.

What is the Quranic night light? 

The Qur’an has many verses that call for peace, calm, and tranquility. Many Muslims read these peaceful verses to themselves in an attempt to feel at peace and calm before they go to bed. While there is nothing wrong with doing that, if you have trouble sleeping or have anxiety about sleeping alone at night, you can use our night light as a source of serenity and comfort. Even when you’re asleep, our night light lets you be surrounded by the peaceful words of Islam.

How does it help you fall asleep? 

The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 1400 years ago. The Qur’an provides us with guidance in all aspects of our lives, including how to live and behave at night. As Muslims, we believe that God wants what is best for us and that giving light at night helps people get good sleep.

Is there any scientific evidence to support this claim? 

Since its invention, thousands of studies have been conducted on light therapy. In 1992, using light therapy in combination with antidepressants to treat nonseasonal depression was FDA approved. Today, doctors have used it as an alternative to prescription medication and surgery for treating various health issues such as migraines, sleep disorders, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sleep apnea, and bipolar disorder. It has also been used to give older people with chronic fatigue syndrome more energy.

How does it make you feel when you wake up in the morning? 

The truth is that not everyone feels like they have slept enough at night. For some people, it seems like no matter how much sleep they get, they still wake up feeling tired and drowsy in the morning. If you’ve ever woken up feeling groggy and still tired, it may be because you aren’t getting quality sleep at night. Luckily for us, there is something we can do about it.

Why do we need to have these night lights installed in our bedroom? 

It is not just your imagination. There is some truth to that old adage that says “sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite. But you might be surprised to learn about one of those potential bug biters—the bedbug. Some people may believe that bedbugs are an old wives’ tale from days gone by when hygiene and food safety were less than ideal. However, recent news stories have told us otherwise.