Are you looking to enhance interactivity and improve user experience? Look no further – FID is here! FID, or first input delay, is a metric that measures the time it takes from when a user interacts with a page to when the page responds. This article will explain how to measure interactivity, analyse performance, and create strategies to improve user experience. Plus, learn about Web Vitals and how to monitor FID. Get ready for a better user experience – you won’t be disappointed.

Key Takeaways

  • FID measures the time it takes for a web page to respond to a user’s input.

  • A high FID can lead to user frustration and abandonment, while a low FID improves user satisfaction.

  • Analysing FID performance helps identify areas for improvement.

  • Strategies for improving FID include optimising JavaScript, using a content delivery network (CDN), and reducing the number of plugins used on the website. Get more info at

What Is FID

FID, or First Input Delay, is a metric used to measure the interactivity of web pages. It is part of the user experience, as it’s the amount of time it takes for a page to respond to a user’s input, such as a click or a keystroke. In other words, FID measures the lag time between a user’s action and the page’s response. This lag time, or delay, can affect how users interact with a page, as well as how satisfied they are with the experience.

FID is measured in milliseconds, with lower numbers being ideal. A low FID means that the user can interact with the page almost instantly, whereas a high FID can create a frustrating and slow experience. Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool is often used to measure FID, and is a great way to see how quickly a page responds to a user’s input.

Ultimately, FID is important because it affects how users interact with a page. If the page has a high FID, users may become frustrated and abandon the page. On the other hand, if the FID is low, users will have a more positive experience and are more likely to continue using the page. This is why it is important for web developers to keep an eye on FID, and work to minimise it to create a better user experience.

Measuring Interactivity

Building on the idea of measuring interactivity with FID, it is important to understand how this metric can be used to enhance the user experience. FID measures the time it takes for an action to become interactive, such as a user clicking a button and the response from the page. This is important as it provides an understanding of how long users are waiting to interact with the page, which is a key factor of user experience. Here are four ways in which FID can be used to measure interactivity and enhance the user experience:

  • Monitor real-time interactions: By monitoring the FID score in real-time, it is possible to identify any potential issues with the page’s interactivity. This can help to identify any performance issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure a smooth user experience.

  • Optimise page performance: By understanding the FID score, it is possible to identify areas of poor performance and address them. This can help to ensure that page interactivity is smooth and fast, providing users with a positive user experience.

  • Prioritise user interactions: By understanding the FID score, it is possible to prioritise user interactions and ensure that the most important interactions are given the most attention. This can help to ensure that the user experience is optimised and that users are not waiting too long for interactions to become interactive.

  • Track user engagement: By tracking the FID score, it is possible to gain insights into user engagement. This can help to identify any areas of the page that are not being interacted with, which can be addressed in order to ensure a better user experience.

Analysing Performance

Once you have monitored the FID score in real-time, you can start to analyse the performance to understand how to best optimise the page. When analysing performance, you should look at the numbers to determine what type of performance issues are occurring. This could include identifying what types of scripts are taking too long to execute or what components are causing delays. You should also look at the user’s device type and connection speed to determine if the user is experiencing a slow response due to their device or connection. Finally, you should analyse the user’s behaviour on the page to see if they are taking too long to complete their task.

By analysing the performance, you can get an idea of what needs to be improved and where you should focus your efforts. For example, if you know that a user’s device is causing slow response times, you can look into optimising the page for that device type. You can also look into optimising the scripts or components that are causing delays. Additionally, if you know that the user is taking too long to complete their task, you can look into ways to simplify the process and reduce the number of steps needed to complete the task.

Improving User Experience

By analysing performance regularly, you can identify ways to improve the user’s experience and create a more interactive page. One way to do this is by focusing on First Input Delay (FID). FID measures how long it takes for an interaction from the user to be processed by the browser. If it takes too long, the user’s experience will suffer.

But what can you do to reduce FID? Here are some tips to get started:

  • Optimise your JavaScript so that the browser can process it more quickly.

  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) to speed up the delivery of assets.

  • Minify and compress files to reduce their size and speed up loading times.

  • Preload important resources, such as images and scripts, so that they are ready when the user interacts with the page.

FID Strategies

Your website’s FID can be improved by implementing various strategies. One way to do this is by optimising the website’s code. This includes optimising the code’s structure, reducing the number of requests, and minimising the amount of code being used. Additionally, taking advantage of built-in browser caching can help improve the overall speed of the website.

Another way to reduce FID is by ensuring the website’s assets are properly optimised. This includes compressing images, using the correct image formats, and optimising video files. Additionally, reducing the number of plugins used on the website can help significantly reduce FID.

Finally, one of the best ways to reduce FID is to reduce the amount of network latency. This can be done by minimising the number of redirects and ensuring the DNS is properly configured. Additionally, making sure the server is located close to the user can help reduce FID.

Web Vitals

In addition to the strategies outlined above, monitoring the Web Vitals of your website can help improve user experience and reduce FID. Web Vitals are metrics that measure key aspects of user experience, such as loading, interactivity, and stability. By monitoring these metrics, you can gain insight into how users interact with your website and pinpoint areas of improvement.

The three main Web Vitals are Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). LCP measures the time it takes for the largest content element on your page to load, while FID measures the time between a user’s first interaction with a page and the browser’s response. CLS measures the amount of unexpected layout shifts that occur during a page’s loading.

These metrics can tell you a lot about how users interact with your site. By understanding what affects page loading speed, interactivity, and stability, you can make the necessary changes to optimise user experience. To get the most accurate data, you should regularly monitor your Web Vitals:

  • Track the performance of key pages and compare them with industry standards.

  • Identify high-priority issues that can be addressed quickly.

  • Monitor the impact of changes on user experience.

  • Analyse trends over time to identify areas of improvement.

Monitoring the Web Vitals of your website is a great way to enhance user experience and reduce FID. With the right strategies in place, you can ensure that your website meets the standards of today’s users and provides a great experience for everyone.

Monitoring FID

Once you have established the strategies to reduce FID, it’s important to track the performance of your website’s FID to ensure a good user experience. To monitor your website’s FID, you need to use a browser-based tool specifically designed to measure user interactions such as the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) or the PageSpeed Insights tool. These tools can help you identify significant FID issues and areas of improvement.

When using these tools, it’s important to note the type of user interactions that are being measured. For example, CrUX measures the time it takes for a user to first interact with an element on a page, such as a button, link, or form field. It also measures the time it takes for the page to respond to the user’s interaction. PageSpeed Insights, on the other hand, measures the time it takes for a page to become interactive, which is the time it takes for the page to respond to the user’s input.

By monitoring your website’s FID, you can identify and address any performance issues. You can also use the data to measure the impact of any changes you make to your website. This can help you make informed decisions about how to better optimise your website for a better user experience.

In addition to using browser-based tools, you can also use web performance APIs such as the Navigation Timing API to track FID. These APIs measure the time it takes from when a page request is made to when the page becomes interactive. This data can help you identify any performance issues and take the necessary steps to improve the user experience.


You now understand what FID is and how it can help enhance the user experience. By measuring interactivity, analysing performance, and implementing strategies, you can improve the overall user experience. Web Vitals is a great tool that can help you monitor FID so you can continue to optimise your website for the best user experience possible. So what are you waiting for? Start optimising your website today and see the difference!