Congratulations! You recently hired an SEO company to push your website up the SERPs and enjoy a flood of targeted visits. But pause and consider your options before paying the amount in full!

Are you absolutely confident that the company from which you purchased the SEO packages is an expert in their field? Or did the very thought of this inquiry raise alarm bells in your mind? If it did, we have the correct 5 criteria to help you choose the best SEO business from the bad ones.

  1. Meta Tags: Scan the pages for Meta Tags. Any prospective client looking to verify the legitimacy and effectiveness of an SEO firm can use meta tags as a fantastic warning indicator. The more effective and focused an SEO company’s Meta Tags are, the more you can rely on the team that will be working for you.
  2. SEO Content: Avoid believing exaggerated promises from SEO companies that they have the best copywriters on staff. Check out a sampling of their stuff. Regardless of how inexpensive the packages may be, shoddy, grammatically incorrect, academically written blocks of texts, etc. that have been passed off as SEO copy can be another indication that this is not the company you had been searching for.
  3. 301 Re-direct: Every SEO company must correctly use 301 Re-direct. Your time, money, and effort are not worth investing in the website that doesn’t accomplish it (a redirect to the www version of the site whenever the “www” has not been inserted into the URL)!
  4. Range of Services or SEO Packages: The SEO company’s level of expertise is also a reliable sign of its capacity to keep its commitments. Therefore, you should consider yourself lucky if you locate an SEO company that seems respectable and provides practically all of the branches in an SEO package deal (viral marketing, organic SEO, PPC, content generation, blogging, etc.).
  5. The SEO Company’s Own Rankings: “People in glass houses can best reflect the world.” In other words, an SEO agency will be better at handling your SEO tasks through its tailored SEO packages the more SEO-competitive and established it is. Turn the tables on the SEO company the next time you’re searching for the greatest SEO packages. Request a focused keyword, search for it on Google, and let the results affect your choice.

You can easily tell the greatest from the rest, as you can see. All you need is a foundational understanding of SEO and an understanding of how SEO packages are organised and tailored as a layperson. Oh, and you must also keep the aforementioned things in mind!

With these suggestions at your disposal, the likelihood of getting duped by inexperienced SEO companies is as remote as Steve Jobs filing for bankruptcy! On a more serious side, if you have had a hawk-eye when it comes to choosing SEO packages, you will quickly reach the top of SERPs!