Water damage is a very dangerous thing to handle. And especially with the threat of mold growth, it can even threaten your life. And it is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately. But the real deal is, how will you identify if you have mold at your place or not?

Mold can pose a serious threat to your health if ingested and can have a very long-term bad effect, and that is the reason why you should sort out the issue immediately. You need to identify the type of mold you are having and, primarily, may have a mold kit to help you with your needs. 

Now, as far as mold removal is concerned, you can contact mold removal Minneapolis. Although you can work it out all by yourself, professional help is firmly required in these cases, as they would have the best equipment to help you out in a professional manner, and you might not face the same problems again and again. 

And to help you out, we are going to explore five signs that can help you identify if you have mold in your home. Let us see what they are: 

5 signs that you have mold in your home

Knowing the warning signs of mold in your place is very important. The faster you know, the better it is. And the reason is mold can grow at places where you might not even expect it. And HVAC is one of the places where mold is likely to grow.

Sometimes, mold can become worse, so you might even need to change the HVAC system, and getting it fixed before it spreads is the clever thing. And now, let us get to know about the several warning signs. 

Warning sign # 1: when you find stale and musty odors 

Whether you find mold visible or not, an unpleasant smell is always likely to prevail. The smell can be disturbing enough and is clearly a shred of evidence that you have molds in your place. 

The one thing that you can do to spot the exact place of mold growth is you can sniff out the odor to follow where the mold lies. Then, if it works, you can remove the mold easily with your mold removal kit. 

However, if the mold is in some places where you are not able to reach it, then it would be better to call any professional for help. They are professional experts who will be able to help you out with their modern technology and methods. 

Warning sign # 2: Persistency and condensation of the moisture 

A damp home is always the best place for mold to thrive. And if there is excess moisture on the windows, or you find condensation drips on your pipes, you have to know that there is dampness in your house. It is a clear warning sign that you should check for mold growth. 

One solution to reduce moisture is the use of dehumidifiers. With the help of dehumidifiers, you will be able to reduce the excess moisture in your house. You can indicate the level of humidity that you want, and the dehumidifier will work accordingly. 

Although the dehumidifiers are not a permanent solution to mold growth, you might consider getting your windows swapped for double-glazed panes or even having them re-saled by professional services. 

And if you find moisture in pipes, you can even call for a plumber who can help you diagnose the problem. Sometimes, insulation around the pipes can help prevent moisture’s build-up. At least you can even try running warm water pipes away from the colder ones in order to avoid the growth of excess moisture. 

Warning sign # 3: stains of previous water build-up

If you have had problems with moisture previously, flooded bathrooms, or even a sewer backed up, then it can pose a possibility for the growth of moisture. And for the same reason, you might look up at places where the water has stayed for a longer time. 

Look for mold growth under the floor and even behind the walls. Try looking for discolored walls if you are searching for mold growth bubbles, and cracks in your paint can also be a probable reason for the growth of mold. It is also a clear indication that moisture has penetrated these surface areas. 

Warning sign # 4: Signs of health problems 

When you are in a toxic environment, you are likely to grow sick and thus have health problems. Similarly, your health is bound to deteriorate when you are putting up in a house with mold growth. You might catch an allergy due to mold growth and have symptoms such as watery eyes, dizziness, headaches, and others. 

These are just the common symptoms, but some mold is there, which is very toxic in nature and can pose life-threatening problems. And this is the sole reason why the removal of mold becomes important, and you should even prevent it from coming back. 

You should be aware of black mold, which can cause serious respiratory diseases if not treated on time. And to identify, having a mold test kit back at your home is supremely important. 

Warming sign # 5: Do you have fur on your walls? 

Are you finding spots and fur on your walls? If so, then you should know that these spots and fur are due to the growth of mold in your house. And the type of mold can be identified based on its size, color, and shape. 

You should know that mold thrives in cold, damp areas and can get affected due to the heavy presence of moisture. Therefore get your walls painted in case you notice spots and fur on walls. 

A quick wrap-up! 

Mold is a very dangerous thing that should be avoided at any cost. And if you suspect the growth of mold at your place, it is likely that you must act accordingly and therefore call for the best contractors to help you out.