There are some things that people want to do over the course of their lives and having achievements and special memories is an important part of living a full life. Of course, the types of interests you have, will impact what experiences or goals are on your ‘bucket list’. A lot of people will really want all their achievements and accomplishments to come from their career. Which is very much understandable, after all it is something that will occupy a lot of your life and hopefully provide a lot of benefits. 

However, there are other things you can look to achieve which are separate from your career. For example, a lot of people want physical and sporting accomplishments. Perhaps the most desirable example of these would be to run a marathon. This is something that only the most disciplined and determined people in the world can do. The sense of accomplishment you will get from this is second to none, and it is something that anyone can be proud of doing. If this is something that you want to try and attain, then take on board the following tips – they could be the difference in you making it over the finish line or not. 

Allow Plenty of Time to Train 

If there is a marathon coming up this weekend, then there isn’t exactly a lot of time to train for a marathon. You need to allow a huge period of time in order to properly train. Of course, the amount of time that you need is going to be dependent on how much fitness you already have. However, even if you are at a pretty good level with your fitness, you should be allowing at least three months. This isn’t something you want to try and rush. Not to mention the more time you spend training, the more prepared you will feel. 


If you are training over a period of a couple of months, then there is a good chance you are going to pick up at least a couple of minor injuries. This doesn’t mean that your hopes of doing the marathon are over. You just need to be able to recognize them and treat them appropriately. Taking time out and really applying the right treatment is going to mean you can keep going. You should even look into The Insurance Surgery to make sure that you have the cover you need in case any serious injuries occur to you. 

Building up Slowly 

Of course, you want to be able to hit your goals as quickly as you can. However, if you are just trying to run as fast as you can for as long as you can, then this is going to do more harm than good. You need to make sure you are building up slowly when it comes to your running. This is going to help to keep your body in better condition and allow you to train at a more frequent rate, with more consistency.