How much longer do you have to live? A day, a month, or a year? The truth is, nobody knows exactly when their last day on Earth will be, but that doesn’t mean they can’t guess! Use the Day-By-Day Calculator to find out how many days you have left to live based on your current age and life expectancy. Simply enter your date of birth into the calculator and let it do the math! For more details, please click here 날짜계산기

The Most Accurate Ways of Calculating Your Exact Age in Days

While calculating your age in days can be complicated if you’ve been in a coma or traveling through space-time, our calculator simplifies everything. It’s easy: Just fill out a few fields with your birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) and sex—and voila! The app will tell you how many days old you are. Feel free to share it with others.

The Best Way to Calculate by Month

To figure out how many more days you’ve got in a given month, simply take your birthday and subtract it by today’s date. Easy as that. If you are wondering what your remaining months will be like, just follow these steps: subtract your current age from 92 (the average lifespan in America). That number is how many months you have left.

Discover When You Will Reach Certain Milestones Like Getting Married or Having Children

Milestones are often major life events we look forward to. The problem is, many of us simply don’t have enough time in our lifetimes to achieve them all. With a few key details like your gender, age and birthday—we can tell you exactly how many days (weeks months or years) you have left before reaching important milestones such as getting married, having children or retiring.

What Happens if I Forget My Birth Date?

Entering your birth date is mandatory in order to use our calculator. However, if you don’t remember it (or simply don’t want anyone else to know), we can show you how many years are left in your life instead. (Hint: it might not be as bad as you think!)

Where Do I Go From Here?

A Word of Caution: The calculator is not an exact science. That said, it’s an entertaining way to get some perspective on your life. Check out how many days you have left before your next birthday and leave a comment below with what you think about how many more birthdays you will celebrate.